News for 2015
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This is a list of CRSS news items for 2015. For more details on a particular news item, please click on the item's link.
Jan. 2, 2015:
CRSS researchers Ahmed Amer and Ethan Miller quoted in Today story on preserving digital photos
Jan. 29, 2015:
Paper by SSRC researchers slashdotted!
April 23, 2015:
SSRC / CRSS alum Avani Wildani is joining the faculty in Math & Computer Science at Emory University in Fall 2015
May 1, 2015:
Four SSRC / CRSS papers have been accepted to appear at MSST 2015!
May 26, 2015:
Congratulations to Rekha Pitchumani for the Best Paper award at SYSTOR 2015 for
SMRDB: Key-Value Data Store for Shingled Magnetic Recording Disks
June 4, 2015:
Congratulations to Stephanie Jones and coauthors for their Best Paper award at MSST 2015 for the paper
Classifying Data to Reduce Long Term Data Movement in Shingled Write Disks
Sept. 18, 2015:
The SSRC seminar series for Fall 2015 will be held on Mondays at 1:00 PM in E2-599, starting on September 28th.
Sept. 24, 2015:
UCSC has two open faculty positions in security and privacy! Apply now!
Nov. 30, 2015:
Congratulations to Dr. Rekha Pitchumani, who successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis!
Dec. 18, 2015:
The CRSS seminar series for Winter 2016 will be held on Mondays at 1:00 PM in E2-599, starting on January 4th.